Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Oh dear..

Well, when I fell while walking Punga, I twisted my ankle, and have pulled a muscle in my neck!
To be fair it probably looked hilarious, me ass deep in a puddle, the pony trying to avoid the killer puddle and my 7 year old nephew trying to stay calm and hold on to his pony.
I swear Pungy was like "I KNEW IT!!!!  Puddles are to dangerous!"

Okay, so Pungy.  Punga Parchment.  My nephew Dominic is now 7, and we are going into his 2nd season of serious showing.
This pony is awesome!  Apart from being disgustingly gorgeous, he has a huge personality.  He is spoilt by everyone, even my stepfather!  If things aren't done his way, he throws a diva strop!
If you touch his boy bits, or the boy-bit-area, he looks ready to call CYPFS.

This this Punga and Dominic at the first wee show they went to together.

Dominic winning champion Pony at Manukau Sports Day

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I am knackered.

I have had a tough day.  Got up early to go to the track with the racehorses.  Bill is back into work, which is great!
Then I took Dom for a ride on Punga, and managed to twist my ankle and fall in a puddle.  Lovely.
I managed to have a nap after taping my ankle, and then got on with preparing Punga for the show tomorrow.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thank god I started blogging again!

Lab 1 assignment for Computing in the Information Age:  Create a blog!

Actually coming here and starting a blog was the first lab assignment.  I showed the lab teacher this blog, and voila, assignment 1 done!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

That's one way to kill some time

So I was good for a wee while, and did some school work at the library for the first hour (and also did a crossword).  But then there was 3 more hours to kill.

so I slept in my car

Yep.  I reclined the seat, set the alarm on my cellphone, pulled my lab coat over me and crashed out for 2.5 hours.
I was definitely refreshed, but now I worry I wont be able to sleep.

The return of the 4 hour wait.

It's Wednesday again, and again I have 4 hours to kill between my lecture and my lab.
I'm in the library, ostensibly doing my Intro Chemistry homework, but really, I was just solving the crossword, and scanning facebook.
I'd kill to have a dorm room and be able to go down for a nap.  I do have my gym gear here today. but just can't rustle up the energy to go.
I've got a bit of a busy weekend coming up.  Got to get Punga ready for the show on Sunday, give him some work, give Dominic a lesson, lead at the show on Sunday.  Pray for sunshine!
In other news, I'm LOVING the new show 'Persons Unknown'.  That shit is getting really intriguing!  Finished watching Spartacus:Blood and Sand with the folks last week.  Blood, sex, conivery!  It was awesome stuff.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The local service station is fucking with me!

As i live in a small town, the only store open all night is the Mobil Service Station.  This place is pretty fucked up as they make you pre-pay for your petrol, and they usually only have 1 staff member on who can't function at a moderately decent level.
The other night, I get a craving for Pepsi Max.  I usually have 2 or 3 bottles of it in the house, but this night, all out.  So I go to the service station.
500ml for $3.50!!!!!  WTF?????????????
It's only $1.79 for 1.5l at the supermarket!!!
It's like they said, "HA!!!  You want Pepsi Max at 10pm, then we can gouge the shit out of you, cos we're the only place open at this hour!!!"

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Killing time is not that easy when unarmed!

I've had to kill 4 hours between my Mammalian Biology lecture, and the 3 hour lab session I have this afternoon.
Not easy stuff.  Yeah, I got this blog hooked up, and read Time magazine cover to cover, as well as did a few crosswords, but damn, I would have appreciated a nap, or something useful.
Don't get me wrong, I am planning to get my shit together and finally start going to the gym here at Uni, but I've wanted to spend this initial week of the semester getting my timetable established.
Also, the reduced availibility of public computers also sucks, and I just don't have any bloody money with which to go shopping, or even looking!

Money, you are a mean nasty bitch who continues to elude me.  What kind of animal am I going to have to sacrifice to the gods of the Lottery in order to win?  (And I don't just mean $5 or so, I mean the big one, after 8 weeks of jacpotting!).

I'm giving blogging another go.

I've tried blogging in the past, and whilst I enjoyed it, stuff happened, and things fell through.
I've been inspired of late by the funny/sad/hilarious/etc etc blog of Allie Brosh, and after reading her archives realise that I have stuff to say, even if I'm not quite that funny.