Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Killing time is not that easy when unarmed!

I've had to kill 4 hours between my Mammalian Biology lecture, and the 3 hour lab session I have this afternoon.
Not easy stuff.  Yeah, I got this blog hooked up, and read Time magazine cover to cover, as well as did a few crosswords, but damn, I would have appreciated a nap, or something useful.
Don't get me wrong, I am planning to get my shit together and finally start going to the gym here at Uni, but I've wanted to spend this initial week of the semester getting my timetable established.
Also, the reduced availibility of public computers also sucks, and I just don't have any bloody money with which to go shopping, or even looking!

Money, you are a mean nasty bitch who continues to elude me.  What kind of animal am I going to have to sacrifice to the gods of the Lottery in order to win?  (And I don't just mean $5 or so, I mean the big one, after 8 weeks of jacpotting!).

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